Murdoch University joins BONUS+

Murdoch University joins Australian resource-sharing consortium BONUS+. Officially launched in February 2008, BONUS+ is driven by Innovative's INN-Reach direct consortial borrowing system.

'By joining BONUS+, Murdoch University will be able to provide staff and our 13,000 students with an easy-to-use and familiar interface to a very significant number of new resources,' said Margaret Jones, director of University Library Services. 'We expect that BONUS+ membership will strongly encourage our users to look outside our own resources because this wider collection is now readily available. We will also be providing convenient access to our collections for the members of BONUS+ across the country. We're excited to join our first targeted lending project with libraries beyond Western Australia.'

BONUS+ provides access to over 3.5 million library volumes between seven academic libraries across the Australian continent.

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