Library travel grant available for ALPSP conference

SAGE is sponsoring a librarian place at this year's Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) International conference, which will be held in Birmingham, UK from 11 to 13 September 2013.

This is the third year SAGE has supported a librarian travel grant at the event, which provides  a free place at the conference for a librarian or information professional, including entry to the ALPSP awards dinner, travel within the UK, and accommodation for one person.

'We are delighted that SAGE is once again running their librarian travel grant competition, to encourage librarians to attend and importantly, to meet new friends and start new conversations with the publishing community,' said Audrey McCulloch, chief executive of ALPSP.

To enter the competition to win a sponsored place librarians must answer the following question in 140 characters or fewer, via email or Twitter: 'What would be your top tip to give students about conducting research?'

Completed answers should be sent to @SAGElibraryNews tagged with #ALPSP or by email to The closing date is 24 May.

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