Kudos launches major SDG study

Kudos, the platform for showcasing research, has launched a study to help publishers identify and prioritise initiatives to support the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere.
The 17 goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which set out a 15-year plan to achieve them.
Charie Rapple, Kudos co-founder, said: “We are trying to explore awareness, attitudes and needs among researchers, universities, funders, and policy makers.
“For example, how is funding being influenced by the SDGs? Is it merelay a tick-box at the end of your research process, or is it baked right into your research scope? What challenges does SDG-related research throw up? The nature of the targets and indicators is very specific, and the most relevant research can often be quite niche and localised. How does this fit with institutions’ publishing expectations?
“How do publishers square it with expectations that they will publish in high impact journals, when they may be less accepting of really localised – but high impact – research. We are hopeful that our research will help publishers and institutions better fit their supporting services and journals around SDG-related needs.”
Five new partners have recently added their support to Kudos’ SDG initiatives – Wiley, BMJ, Brill, Cabells and Crossref.
Claire Rawlinson, Director of Publishing Strategy & Transformation at BMJ, explained: “BMJ is keen to showcase our SDG commitments, progress, and content. Kudos has a good track record of reaching the broad range of target audiences that we must influence to improve health outcomes.”
Dr Jo Wixon, Director External Analysis at Wiley, added: “Wiley is a signatory of the SDG Publishers Compact, and we’re committed to advancing sustainability. Working with Kudos and other partners, we can better understand where more support is needed to help researchers, funders, universities and policy makers undertake and communicate SDG research more effectively.”
For more details of the research study, visit: https://info.growkudos.com/landing/real-world-change-sdg-research-study