Kudos and Impact Science launch SDG showcase

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Kudos, the platform for showcasing research, and Impact Science, a brand of Cactus Communications, have launched the Sustainable Development Knowledge Showcase to help policy makers and wider publics to find, understand and act on research related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The website contains more than 300 plain language summaries of highly relevant, actionable research. Each summary is mapped against the relevant SDGs, and includes a “key takeaway” to clearly set out the researchers’ recommendations for change.

The initiative is sponsored by major publishers from across a wide range of research areas, including Springer Nature, Sage Publishing, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Society of Civil Engineers. Its launch is timed to coincide with the SDG Summit being hosted this week by the United Nations. World leaders will convene to review progress and reaffirm commitments to the Goals, and the Sustainable Development Knowledge Showcase is designed to provide interested parties with a ready-made collection of easy-read research summaries to inform discussion and decision-making.

The Sustainable Development Knowledge Showcase can be accessed free at: https://www.growkudos.com/showcase/collections/sdg-knowledge-cooperative

Leslie Connelly, Director, Publications Marketing at American Society of Civil Engineers, said: “As a signatory to the SDG Publishers Compact, ASCE is committed not only to taking in-house actions that support the Goals, but also to breaking down the barrier between SDG research – and the audiences that need to act on it. The Kudos SDG initiative is a great way for us to deliver on that commitment, tapping into Kudos’ expertise in getting content in front of broad audiences including policy makers, educators, and the wider public.”

Nicola Jones, Director of the SDG Programme at Springer Nature, added: “Collaboration is essential to achieving the SDGs. Our participation in the Sustainable Development Knowledge Cooperative is one of many initiatives we’ve put in place to facilitate knowledge exchange and equip decision makers with the information that will help address the world’s most pressing challenges. It’s all part of delivering on the commitments we’ve made to our staff, our society partners, and our authors.”

Miranda Nunhofer, Vice President of Research at Sage, said: “Earlier this year we laid out our progress and continued commitment to sustainability in our first Independence with Impact report. Joining the Sustainable Development Knowledge Cooperative is a collaborative next step in disseminating the latest research to the widest audiences, supporting a more equitable academic future and helping to drive positive social change.”

Harp Minhas, Publisher & SDG Representative at the Royal Society of Chemistry, condluded: “The chemical sciences are vital to society’s ability to help meet the challenges set by the sustainable development goals. As a leading society and publisher, it’s important that we lead in showing how chemical science solves sustainability challenges, not only in terms of advancing research, but also by influencing the actions of individuals and strategy and policy professionals worldwide. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Cooperative is an important route for us communicate this to a global audience.”

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