Japanese university chooses Century of Science web resource

Meiji University in Japan has purchased Thomson Scientific's Century of Science, expanding its subscription to Web of Science earlier this year. The web resource provides students full access to the most important scientific bibliographic and cited reference data covering the period from 1900 to 1944.

Launched in January 2005, the Century of Science initiative has made available approximately 850,000 articles from more than 200 journals carefully selected from published research in the first half of the 20th century. While more than 200 universities throughout the world have Century of Science, Meiji University is the first private university, and the fourth academic institution in Japan to acquire it. Access to this knowledge platform sets the university apart from other mid-sized private institutions and increases the research competitiveness of the students and faculty.

‘The purchase of Century of Science is right in line with Meiji University's goals to provide access to unsurpassed scientific research information. Backfiles are crucial to research in tracking past developments, pinpointing key turning points and determining the future direction of research,’ said Mark Garlinghouse at Thomson Scientific. ‘With access to this unparalleled historical research, Meiji University will make great strides toward groundbreaking discoveries.’

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