Innovative signs up new US library customers

Innovative Interfaces has recently signed deals with several new or upgrading librarycustomers in the USA.

These include the United States Merchant Marine Academy, NY, which has selected the Sierra Library Services Platform. This library is migrating from a Dynix Classic system provided by SirsiDynix.

The West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine has chosen the Sierra Services Platform, migrating from an Athena system provided by the Follett Software Company.

The James Madison University Libraries, VA, an existing customer of the company, has upgraded to the Sierra Services Platform from the Millennium ILS. In addition, the library has added the Decision Center collection management tool.

Manhattanville College Library (NY) has also selected the Sierra Services Platform as well as the Encore Discovery Solution. This library is migrating from a Voyager system provided by Ex Libris Group.

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