Howell Carnegie District Library selects Millennium

The Howell Carnegie District Library in Michigan has selected Innovative's Millennium integrated library system including the integrated Ecommerce product. The Library will also provide new access to millions of books and media from the Michigan Electronic Library (MeL) starting in the autumn.

MeL went live in 2005 and has grown to over 250 libraries offering a total of nearly 30 million items. Services MeL provides include the MeLCat online catalog, driven by Innovative's INN-Reach direct consortial borrowing system, and a database-search portal accessible through Innovative's classic federated-search product, MetaFind.

Library director Kathleen Zaenger said: ‘MeL participation will offer an incredible volume of materials to our users on top of the 120,000 items we currently offer. We're one of the fasting-growing areas of the state with a very 'wired' community that will get a lot out of the new access.’

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