Free webinar series starts Monday!

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This coming Monday sees the first of three free webinars from Research Information, on different topics around scholarly communications.

The three broadcasts, under the banner of CISPC (Challenges in the Scholarly Publishing Cycle), will also be available on catch-up for the next year – so do register even if you are unable to watch live.

They are:

29 November, 3pm UK time: Academic publishing and a quest for diversity. Find out why a push towards greater diversity, equity and inclusion is essential for all parts of the scholarly communications industry. REGISTER HERE

Speakers: Gita Manaktala, Editorial Director at MIT Press, USA; Nicola Nugent, Publishing Manager, Quality and Ethics, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK; and Ludovik Sebire, Faculty Librarian at University of the West of England Bristol.

2 December, 3pm UK time: Sustainable development goals and scholarly communications. Why (and how) libraries, research bodies and publishers alike should embrace the UN’s sustainable development goals – many of them brought into sharp focus at the recent COP26 summit – to benefit the global community. REGISTER HERE

Speakers: Liz Martin, Head of Production, IOP Publishing; Thea Sherer, Director of Sustainability, Springer Nature; Gaëlle Bequet, Director, ISSN International Centre.

6 December, 3pm UK time: Are hybrid events here to stay? Blended conferences were forced on the industry with the advent of Covid-19; now many commentators are arguing that hybrid events are the future – and should never go back to the way they were. Please join us for this free, one-hour panel discussion! REGISTER HERE

Speakers: Clive Snell, Director, ConTech; Leah Hinds, Executive Director, Charleston Conference; Simon Inger, Co-founder, Cadmore Media; Ben Kaube, Co-founder, Cassyni.

We are very grateful to our sponsors: ISSN International Centre; Royal Society of Chemistry; F1000; The Institution of Engineering and Technology; Ebsco, and AIP Publishing.

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