Final call for ILI submissions

There are just a few weeks left submit your ideas for this year’s Internet Librarian International (ILI) – the library innovation conference held in London every autumn.

ILI attracts hundreds of library and information professionals from around the world to exchange ideas, knowledge and experience. The organisers are looking for case studies, stories, personal experiences and lessons learned from the ideas, strategies and practical implementations put in place over the last 12 months.

Contributions from all types of libraries and info professionals – public, academic, government, national or corporate libraries – as well as those working outside a 'traditional' library setting, are welcome.

The majority of talks at ILI are usually short case studies of 15 minutes in length, with speakers matched with one or two others to create themed sessions. However, ideas for longer sessions or mini keynote speeches are welcome.

Submit your ideas via the link below.

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