Europeana plans focus on user experience

Enhancing users’ experience will be a specific focus for Europeana over the coming years, according to the strategic plan of the pan-European digital resource.

According to the ‘Strategic Plan 2011-2015’, Europeana will give users access to cultural heritage content wherever they are and whenever they want it, making it available through APIs and search widgets, in teaching resources, on blogs, college sites and social networks. Europeana will also explore new ways of actively engaging users in the development of the site and making creative reuse of its content, says the plan.

In addition, the recent report of the Comité des Sages (high-level reflection group) on Digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage has recommended that Europeana should become the central reference point for Europe's online cultural heritage. ‘Member States must ensure that all material digitised with public funding is available on the site, and bring all their public domain masterpieces into Europeana by 2016,’ said this report, which went on to say that cultural institutions, the European Commission and Member States should actively and widely promote Europeana.

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