English universities choose ebrary

US-based ebrary has been selected to supply e-books to universities throughout England, until 2013.

The English Academic Library Consortia can now purchase individual e-books from the digital content provider's 123 400-strong catalogue, provided by more than 350 publishers.

'During the tender process, we were looking for vendors that would enable member institutions to create instant online libraries in subject areas that matched their curriculum needs, with models that fit their budget requirements,' said Susan Wright, head of the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC), a member of the English Academic Library Consortia.

Key benefits to the consortia include being able to build personal bookshelves that automatically store links to highlights and notes, providing an archive of research, as well as automatic citations when text is printed or copied and pasted into text applications.

  • The London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC), Midland Universities Academic Libraries (MUAL), the North West Academic Libraries (NoWAL), the North East and Yorkshire Academic Libraries (NEYAL) and the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC) decided to tender jointly for their book, standing order, e-book and alternative media requirements. The resulting Joint Academic Consortia Agreement was awarded by SUPC on behalf of the participating consortia.
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