Emerald encourages recycling of past publications

Emerald Group Publishing is collaborating with several academic institutions to send journal archives to universities in Africa. This initiative was launched to encourage the recycling and reuse of past publications that may still be of use to students and researchers in emerging economies.

Eric Broug, regional business manager for Africa at Emerald first prompted action with a letter which appeared in The Times Higher Education Supplement. He explained: ‘Many university libraries have made the decision to rid themselves of print collections. Rather than send them to the incinerator or landfill, universities should consider giving their print collections a new home in the developing world. Most university libraries in Africa are desperately under-resourced and do not have the funds or the infrastructure for print or electronic journal collections. Donating an archive is a practical and immediate way to help students and researchers in these places.’

In response to this letter, Leeds Metropolitan University Library School arranged to donate an archive to the LIS School of Makerere University in Ghana.

Following on from the success of this partnership, Emerald is currently working with other academic institutions around the world to send journal volumes to various African countries, with projects underway in Zambia and Nigeria.

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