Emerald clinches deal with Italian universities

UK-based management and information science publisher, Emerald, has penned a deal with Italy’s largest university consortium, Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per l’Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA).

The five-year contract follows more than two years of negotiations, and will allow thousands of university staff and students from the consortium’s institutions to access more than 65,000 full text articles and 200,000 reviews using the ‘Emerald Management Xtra’ database.

According to the Emerald, CILEA is the third Southern European consortium to choose its services in just the last two years. This agreement will see a number of academic institutions including universities in Trento, Milan, and Salerno accessing the publisher’s 1994-2006 archive and current content.

The Emerald/CILEA agreement means that any Italian institution can buy access to Emerald’s database at an agreed low membership price.

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