Danish library collections discoverable in WorldCat

Dansk Bibliotekscenter (DBC) is partnering with OCLC to synchronise DANBIB, the Danish national union catalogue, with WorldCat. This will make real-time updates that promise to result in faster visibility of the collections around the world through leading websites and search engines.

The DANBIB catalogue includes all books, periodicals and newspapers published in Denmark since 1970 as well as many published earlier, significant newspaper and journal articles published since 1945, and reviews published since 1990. Synchronisation with WorldCat should give searchers around the world improved access to this rich and expanding dataset.

'We look forward to implementing this new way of synchronising our data with WorldCat since the process is going to be more automated and in real time,' said Karin Knudsen, product owner at DBC. 'We have been very pleased with the partnership with OCLC, and the Web service-based project fits hand in glove with DBC’s strategy about basing our IT solutions on Service-Oriented Architecture.'

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