The Company of Biologists and IReL renew agreement

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Following the success of the first three-year read & publish open access agreement with IReL, The Company of Biologists announce that they have signed a renewal agreement from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025.

All eleven institutions that were participating in the 2020-2022 agreement have chosen to renew and, for the first time, the new agreement includes uncapped and fee-free publishing in The Company of Biologists’ fully OA journals – Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open.

Researchers at participating institutions can continue to publish research articles immediately OA without charge in The Company’s hybrid journals – Development, Journal of Cell Science and Journal of Experimental Biology. They also have unlimited access to the journals and their archives dating back to 1853.

Jack Hyland, interim IReL Director, says: “The Company of Biologists was one of the first publishers IReL signed a read & publish agreement with. We have been impressed with how they have been a leading example of a small, not-for-profit publisher offering their read & publish to libraries and consortia globally, and how they have been active in sharing emerging best practice in OA publishing with the scholarly communications community.”

Rich Blount, Regional Sales Manager – Europe and Australasia at The Company of Biologists, says: “As a small, not-for-profit publisher, we particularly welcome partnerships with library consortia, and our read & publish consortium agreement with IReL was one of the first we negotiated. Three years on, it is great that the renewal agreement has been expanded to include uncapped, fee-free open access publishing in all five of our journals. We are also very pleased that all eleven participants have chosen to renew.”

Claire Moulton, Publisher at The Company of Biologists, says: “Thanks to the tremendous support we have received from the international library community, and from consortia such as IReL, our read & publish initiative has accelerated the transition of our hybrid journals towards open access. We are also delighted that our new read & publish agreement with IReL enables researchers at participating institutions to benefit from fee-free publishing in our fully OA journals for the first time. We look forward to continuing to work together over the next three years to promote the growth of OA publishing in the biological and biomedical sciences in Ireland.”

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