CISPC 2018 – final programme announcement

We are counting down the days until our annual event, CISPC 2018, and we are now in a position to confirm the full programme for the day.
The day, which is being held at London Art House in the Borough of Islington, in conjunction with Info International, is based around collaborative discussion among the three stakeholder groups in the scholarly publishing cycle – publishers, librarians and researchers – with a view to identifying, debating and delivering positive change within the scholarly publishing cycle.
To focus these discussions, we will be addressing three core themes: funder-compliance, implementing the open access agenda, and investment for open access.
The day will kick off with a keynote speech from Warren Clark, publisher of Research Information, outlining the results of our survey: Challenges in the Scholarly Publishing Cycle 2018. Building on the success of the first survey report, published in 2017, this follow-up will reveal what’s changed for the stakeholder groups in the past 12 months. Has any progress been made on the issues raised in last year’s report? What new issues have emerged?
There will then be two workshop sessions aimed at teasing out a variety of perspectives on the scholarly publishing landscape, enabling delegates to understand and focus on challenges raised by colleagues working in other areas.
Either side of lunch there will be three case studies – one from each of our three notional ‘stakeholder groups’: Jeremy G. Frey, professor of physical chemistry at the University of Southampton; Helen Dobson, scholarly communications manager at the University of Manchester; and Bill Kasdorf, Kasdorf and Associates.
Conference chair Tim Gillett will then explain how the afternoon workshops will work, as delegates will be split up into three mixed groups – each containing representatives from all three stakeholders – to debate the issues raised by the survey, the morning workshop and the case studies. Each delegate will attend three sessions in turn, and each session will focus on the perspectives and issues of one stakeholder group. Be vocal and participate – raise issues and suggest solutions!
The day will conclude with an afternoon wrap-up – with delegates re-joining our moderators and keynote speakers for a final summary of the issues raised during the day, highlighting some pointers and actions to take away with you back to your workplaces and fellow stakeholders – and then a networking drinks reception sponsored by Clarivate Analytics.
- Individual delegate rates are as follow: publishers and service providers – £250; librarians and academics – £100. Included in the delegate rate is participation in all sessions, and advance copy of Challenges in Scholarly Publishing Cycle Survey Report, refreshments on arrival and in two networking breaks, a three-course hot buffet lunch, and wi-fi.