Bringing the information world to Brighton for CILIP Conference 2016

Managing Information, Everyday Innovation and Using Technology are the three themes at this year’s CILIP Conference (12 and 13 July, Brighton) and will be the focus of two days of inspiration and debate – an opportunity for practitioners to reconnect with the information profession.

Taking place at the Dome in Brighton, the conference expects to bring together around 600 delegates from across the sector, together with speakers and organisations from both inside and outside the profession, to share examples of inspiring and innovative activity.

Trends and debate around privacy and communications, information literacy, information security & governance will be covered in the 'Managing Information' theme, chaired by Karen McFarlane – a member of the CILIP board and an independent knowledge and information management professional. Until recently, she was the UK government's head of profession for knowledge and information management (KIM), leading a virtual team of 1,100 professionals in UK government.

In a time of tremendous change, library and information professionals need to ensure they continue to develop innovative, high quality services that meet the needs of their communities. 'Everyday Innovation' will showcase individuals and organisations working within the library and information sector that have stood out and made a difference on a day-to-day basis.

Chair, Alison Wheeler, chief executive of Suffolk Libraries IPS Limited, will introduce entries from organisations and services that have excelled in customer service, built relationships with their communities and have promoted equality, diversity and intellectual freedom.  By sharing these experiences and knowledge with the community, CILIP aims to inspire others.

Chair for the 'Using Technology' theme is Bill Thompson, head of partnership development for archive development projects at the BBC. His theme will consider the different ways in which library and information professionals are using technology to enhance their services, through digital strategy, online services and social media.

The 2016 keynote speakers are Sir Nigel Shadbolt, chairman and co-founder of the Open Data Institute, poet and spoken word artist Becci Louise, and Ferguson Library director Scott Bonner. In his presentation 'The opportunities and challenges of open data', Shadbolt will review the development of open data within the UK and internationally and describe how open data is making a difference in the public and private sectors.

Delegates will be able to take advantage of careers workshops as well as fringe sessions. Working in partnership with Carnegie Trust UK there will be an exciting programme of workshops, including Q&As with the keynote speakers, a live illustration presentation by children’s laureate Chris Riddell, and a chance to meet CILIP’s Special Interest Groups.

Earlybird discounts are available until 29 April 2016.

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