Agreement encourages linking between articles and data
DataCite and the STM-Association have signed a joint statement to encourage publishers and data centers to link articles and underlying data. The statement was signed by Adam Farquhar, president of DataCite, and Eefke Smit on behalf of Michael Mabe, CEO of STM, during the DataCite summer meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The statement says:
- To improve the availability and findability of research data, DataCite and STM encourage authors of research papers to deposit researcher validated data in trustworthy and reliable data archives.
- DataCite and STM encourage data archives to enable bi-directional linking between datasets and publications by using established and community endorsed unique persistent identifiers such as database accession codes and DOI names.
- DataCite and STM encourage publishers to make visible or increase visibility of these links from publications to datasets.
- DataCite and STM encourage data archives to make visible or increase visibility of these links from datasets to publications.
- DataCite and STM support the principle of data re-use and for this purpose actively
participate in initiatives for best practice recommendations for the citation of datasets. - DataCite and STM invite other organisations involved in research data management to join and support this statement.