12 journals to participate in SCOAP3

SCOAP3, the consortium working towards open access to high-energy physics (HEP) research has announced the 12 journals from seven publishers that will participate.

The tendering process, which was carried out by CERN, is said to have taken into account the quality of the journals (measured by impact factor), the quality of the services provided (measured by re-use licences and delivery formats), and the unit price for publishing each article.

According to SCOAP3, over 6,600 articles eligible for inclusion in the initiative were published in these journals in 2011, comprising the vast majority of the high-quality, peer-reviewed literature in HEP. Articles funded by SCOAP3 will be available open access in perpetuity, under a CC-BY licence and publishers will reduce their subscription fees accordingly. The projected SCOAP3 budget envelope is 10m euros per year.

The publishers and journals include:

  • American Physical Society, Physical Review C
  • American Physical Society, Physical Review D
  • Elsevier, Physics Letters B
  • Elsevier, Nuclear Physics B
  • Hindawi, Advances in High Energy Physics
  • Institute of Physics Publishing/Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Physics C
  • Institute of Physics Publishing/SISSA, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
  • Institute of Physics Publishing/Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, New Journal of Physics
  • Jagellonian University, Acta Physica Polonica B
  • Oxford University Press/Physical Society of Japan, Progress of Theoretical Physics (to become PTEP)
  • Springer/Società Italiana di Fisica, European Physical Journal C
  • Springer/SISSA, Journal of High Energy Physics 

CERN and SCOAP3 will also collaborate with leading publishers to foster open access to selected articles of relevance for HEP, including the APS high-impact factor journal Physics Review Letters.

CERN will publish the agreed upon prices for the SCOAP3 article processing charges after the next session of its finance committee, to take place on 19 September 2012.

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