OASPA recommendations to tackle inequity in OA publishing
Recommended practices 'can mitigate exclusion and make an inequitable system less harmful'
Recommended practices 'can mitigate exclusion and make an inequitable system less harmful'
“How Equitable Is It” tool launched at the OASPA 2024 conference
Product aimed at 'empowering scholarly publishers and researchers navigate rapidly changing landscape'
Organisation particularly welcomes submissions from beyond North America and Europe
Checklist for publishers on implementing the UNESCO recommendation on open science
Preliminary programme is now available for September event
UK Research and Innovation, Wellcome and Jisc are among the first organisations supporting the establishment of a new independent body called Open Access Switchboard
Close to 180 delegates gathered in Lisbon, Portugal for the 9th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP) in September
OASPA is pleased to announce that this year our annual conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal. The 9th Conference on Open Access Scholarly…