Thursday 12 March – Driving library value and impact with EZproxy Analytics


Being able to demonstrate measurable impact and value is becoming critically important for academic libraries. This shifts the focus from metrics such as student satisfaction to a more objective examination of the library’s effect on usage and student outcomes. For libraries, this can be a real positive, helping them demonstrate their value and ROI in a conclusive data-driven way.

To help libraries achieve this, OCLC is launching EZproxy Analytics. With sophisticated reporting and visualisations, EZproxy Analytics transforms libraries’ understanding of students’ use of e-resources, important metrics of student success. EZproxy Analytics has been piloted by six institutions, including the University of Manchester. 

In this webcast, attendees will:

  • Learn how libraries can demonstrate their role in student access, using EZproxy Analytics,
  • Explore EZproxy Analytics, with a demonstration of key features and reports, and
  • Discover how EZproxy Analytics aligned with strategic goals at the University of Manchester during the pilot.

View the webcast:

Driving library value and impact with EZproxy Analytics
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