Essential Techniques for Life Science Research

Successful life sciences and biomedical research is critical to important scientific breakthroughs and innovation.
The discovery process is essential and tools developed by scientists for researchers can reduce the amount of time spent identifying source materials. Nigel Robinson, director, Content Management at Clarivate Analytics, will share insights about life science research and will highlight examples from BIOSIS Previews and Zoological Record.
Please join us on 8 December, at 3pm GMT for ‘Essential Techniques for Life Science Research,’ presented by Research Information and EBSCO.
Attendees will learn:
- An overview of the ways expert indexing helps researchers uncover relevant results
- Methods of exploring biomedical meetings, patents and book contents
- The scope and coverage of the BIOSIS Previews and Zoological Records databases
- The value added by Clarivate Analytics to the records
Clarivate Analytics accelerates the pace of research by providing trusted insights and analytics to customers around the world, enabling them to discover, develop, protect and commercialise new ideas, faster.
Formerly the Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters, Clarivate Analytics owns and operates a collection of leading subscription-based businesses focused on scientific and academic research, patent analytics and regulatory standards, pharmaceutical and biotech intelligence, trademark protection, domain brand protection and intellectual property management.
Clarivate Analytics is now an independent company with over 4,000 employees, operating in more than 100 countries and owns well‐known brands that include Web of Science, Cortellis, Thomson Innovation, DerwentWorld Patents Index, CompuMark, MarkMonitor and Techstreet, among others.