VitalSource Bookshelf

Ingram Content Group has added more than a dozen new features and enhancements to its VitalSource Bookshelf e-textbook platform. The updates include software client support in 25 languages, new and improved functionality and performance enhancements, the addition of international resellers, and worldwide support for integration with institutional systems like Blackboard Learn, Moodle, and others.

'Technology is transforming how we teach and learn by making it more accessible, personal and interactive,' said Kent Freeman, chief operating officer, Vital Source Technologies. 'E-textbooks are a growing and very important part of the future of education. We will continue to develop our VitalSource Bookshelf platform and extend our worldwide reach for the benefit of students, educators and publishers worldwide.'

Through an expanded group of resellers, e-textbooks and comprehensive tools from the Vital Source Bookshelf platform are now said to be available in more than 200 countries and territories including 28 new locations that include India, Australia, the Netherlands, the UK, Africa, the Middle East and countries represented by the Gulf Cooperation Council.   

In September Vital Source launched new purchase options for its VitalSource Bookshelf platform with a new digital store in the UK. The store offers tens of thousands of e-textbooks from leaders in academic publishing.

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