Techstreet Subscriptions

Techstreet, part of the Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, has launched the newest version of its enterprise standards management platform, Techstreet Subscriptions. Techstreet Subscriptions provides customers with new collaboration capabilities, including note taking and the ability to view exact equivalents, providing greater collaboration for subscribers. 

According to the company, Techstreet Subscriptions customers can now take and share notes about the products within the application. It also includes an exact equivalents feature so that users know they are using the correct standard. Equivalents flags notify subscribers when identical versions of the document are available, and a single click produces a complete list of these documents from multiple publishers, showing which international standards have been adopted by national standards bodies.

Techstreet include more than 500,000 codes, standards and technical books, aggregated from more than 350 of the world's leading authorities, and made available through Techstreet’s online store.

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