Springer Nature

As the industry sees a shift in the way users search for content, librarians are in a unique position to influence the discovery process. The challenge is to make the content procured both searchable and accessible, so librarians are looking to content providers for help with discovery.
Springer Nature is committed to discoverability and has dedicated staff participating in industry standards organisations, whose goals are to standardise the data and indexing, so content is equally and fairly discoverable.
We continually enrich our metadata, which is the gateway to our content, with discoverability and the end user in mind. This includes the addition of GRID and ORCID identifiers, and our work with linked open data and semantic search.
Springer Nature also partners with web-scale discovery services such as EBSCO Discovery Service, Proquest Summon, Ex Libris Primo and OCLC Worldcat to ensure that full text data and metadata are being fully indexed to ensure completeness and discoverability.
To aid librarians further, Springer Nature provides title lists in KBART format for our content. We work closely with link resolvers to update collection information and to create clear targets. We also provide customer-specific holdings data in KBART format – for SpringerLink Admins. Springer Nature provides free MARC records for all eBooks through our downloader tool on our website or through OCLC.
As part of our ongoing efforts to support the library community becoming more active in their own discovery process, Spring Nature’s account development specialists and discovery support teams offer toolkits, audits, and guidance to implement discovery services.