Scitation C3 Platform

Medical Physics, a journal from the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), is now live on Scitation C3, the next-generation hosting platform of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). This move is the first in a projected plan by AIP to migrate all its publishing partner journals to Scitation C3 by the end of the year.

AIP made significant upgrades to the platform this year, particularly by incorporating MarkLogic Server and a Polopoly web content management system, which provide users with an XML-enabled functionality that significantly reduces discovery and reading time.

The new journal homepage includes a "Just Published" RSS feed and "Editor's Picks" articles, while abstracts include links for "Related Content" and access to article objects (figures, tables, multimedia, etc.). Members and subscribers who log in encounter added tools for article objects, including the ability to export figures to PowerPoint. Mobile phone users are automatically redirected to the streamlined mobile version of the site.

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