

River Valley Technologies, the UK-based typesetting company, says its new RVPublisher platform will cut production costs and turn around times in half for publishers. The company says the system is a 'pure' XML-based end-to-end collaborative authoring and composition solution, comprising several modules that link seamlessly.

River Valley’s system includes a collaborative authoring environment that saves all content natively in XML. Subsequent stages such as peer review, copy-editing and proof correction are all carried out directly on the XML file using a WYSIWYG interface. An integrated version control system keeps track of the complete editing history.

The rendering module within RVPublisher allows for the manuscript to be instantly published as HTML, PDF and Epub at any stage in the process, e.g. directly upon submission as a preprint, upon acceptance, or immediately after proof correction. The automatically generated PDF can be a standard one, or one of of River Valley’s 'Smart PDFs that allow optional information to appear when the user hovers the mouse over relevant links.

RVPublisher is also aimed at providing a comfortable environment, even for authors writing mathematics. Authors can enter math content either by using LaTeX commands, or by using a WYSIWYG interface. In the XML file, the mathematics is then seamlessly converted to MathML, using conversion filters that can encode subtle math spacing. Complex math constructs that have no MathML equivalent are automatically detected and saved in the native LaTeX format.

The content can be exported as XML at any point in the process. The XML can be written to conform to any DTD, e.g. JATS, and can be ingested directly into most typesetters’ pagination system. In addition, the system can generate LaTeX files, conforming to any of a number of publisher “class files”. This allows authors to submit LaTeX files to journals, without using any LaTeX coding.

River Valley has already been using some of the modules of RVPublisher internally to deliver work for its current clients.


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