RIPM e-Library of Music Periodicals

RIPM e-Library of Music Periodicals is now available from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO). RIPM e-Library of Music Periodicals is a collection of rare primary-source documents that is said to offer music researchers access to a special selection of full text music journals unavailable elsewhere.

The first instalment of this collection includes 150,000 pages from 25 music journals dealing with musical life in world capitals: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bilbao, Brussels, Budapest, Lisbon, Madrid, Milan, New York, Prague, Paris, St. Petersburg and Warsaw. The collection also contains several monumental journals including Musical America until 1922, Le Guide musical (Brussels, 1855-1919), the Neue Berliner Musikzeitung (Berlin 1847-1896) and several early musicology periodicals. Future titles will include those focusing on instruments, genres, musicology’s early periodicals, music education and jazz, with others combining both musical and non musical content, such as theatrical and general arts journals. New titles will be added on a regular basis.

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