Redesigned, Refreshed, Responsive: Taylor & Francis Online re-launches


If you’ve paid a recent visit to Taylor & Francis Online you’ll have noticed a very different look and feel for the published articles you’re reading.

Taylor & Francis Online, the home of over 2,400 online journals across Science, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, has relaunched with a brand new design, a clean, uncluttered interface and an improved user experience. 

The redesign is built on extensive feedback and analytics data, putting the needs of key users at the heart of every design decision. So whether you are looking to submit a paper, to find and read an article, check article metrics, or share something interesting you’ve found, it’s now easier and quicker than ever before to find what you need, not to mention a lot more beautiful!

Some of our favourite new features include:

Clearer, de-cluttered page layouts

Search term suggestions as you type

Menus that move with you as you scroll

Fully responsive to any mobile device

Easy to identify open access indicators


Feedback from the research community:

Liz McFall, Open University, Editor of Journal of Cultural Economy comments: ‘I like the way the key functions remain visible, so I don’t have to remember where they are.’

Mike Smith, Kingston University, & Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Maps: ‘Good to see a modern uncluttered design and, importantly, easy to see/access key features.’

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