ProQuest Platform
ProQuest Information and Learning claims to be launching a revolutionary change to its search platform. Libraries with a database on the ProQuest platform can now use it for access to full text of the electronic content in its collection, whether it is from ProQuest or from another content provider. The innovation, called One Click searching, is said to eliminate one of the most common frustrations of serious researchers by building a direct path between search results and full text.‘Libraries are dealing with a patron base that has diminishing patience for search techniques. They want predictable, seamless, and dependable access to full text in their holdings, wherever it may be,’ explained David Prichard, president of ProQuest Information and Learning. ‘One Click provides exactly that. It allows the library to thrive in a dynamic research environment by matching its users’ expectations.’Users enter search terms in any database on the ProQuest platform and the results screen will include links to full text from the library’s e-collection. To connect to the full text, users simply click once on the full-text button.