Primary Source Materials with a Model to Suit You

Alexander Street Press is a publisher of award-winning online collections and videos for scholarly research, teaching, and learning. Our content is curated carefully by expert editors around specific subjects and disciplines, sourced from producers and archives around the globe. We add context to this material through powerful indexing that allows precise, exhaustive searching and unique tools that inspire new insights and learning.
Best known for our vast range of quality audio, video and primary text content, Alexander Street Press now has a range of business models to suit every institution's needs.
From take-all collections to subject-specific bundles and single titles, the content is available in the size to suit your requirements. And with new innovative acquisition models there is a payment method to suit every budget.
Whether outright purchase or subscription, you can access more than 41,000 video titles, 7.6 million music tracks and almost 1.5 million pages of text in one interface. And with our innovative business models such as EBA (Evidence Based Acquisition) and PDA (Patron Driven Acquisition) you can own in perpetuity the content your users have demonstrated they want.
Our award-winning streaming video and audio content is available on our proprietary multi-lingual interface, which includes rich metadata with many unique fields, semantic indexing and synchronous rolling transcripts for most video titles.
From manuscripts and diaries to scores, comics, film and music, Alexander Street Press is the solution to make silent voices heard.