NeuroApps: MRI Atlas of Human White Matter

Elsevier has launched NeuroApps: MRI Atlas of Human White Matter. This is the first in a new series of apps created for the iPad and is based on the MRI Atlas of White Matter by Kenichi Oishi, Andreia V. Faria, Peter C M van Zijl and Susumu Mori.

The new, interactive application is said to enable researchers, clinicians and students to find, visualise, and learn to identify the major pathways through the brain and their proximity to key neuroanatomical structures. The app also allows the user to scroll through the brain in sequence to follow a tract from beginning to end.

The images in the app are based upon those is the print book but they have been digitally enhanced so that the resulting four-colour images are much sharper on the iPad device. This allows image zooming for more detailed study, according to the publisher.

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