LIS articles

Emerald Group Publishing has announced the next batch of articles available in open access as part of its ‘special partnership’ with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).

The articles, available to download from, are published in several of Emerald’s well-respected LIS journals, including Interlending & Document Supply, Library Hi Tech News, Performance Measurement and Metrics, Library Management and Library Review.

Under the agreement, papers that have their origins in an IFLA conference or project have the opportunity to be published in one of Emerald’s LIS journals and become open access nine months after publication. The partnership takes advantage of the Emerald platform to increase the discoverability of research presented at IFLA events.

The agreement, announced at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Milan, August 2009, provides the IFLA community with substantially more publishing opportunities.

The opportunity to be published by Emerald is available, not only for research produced by the various IFLA Sections, but for papers presented at the general IFLA Congress and satellite events. These papers become open access nine months after publication.

Ann Okerson, chair of IFLA’s professional committee, said: 'IFLA’s partnership with Emerald provides IFLA’s authors with a choice of publishing and raises the visibility of their work. For IFLA, the partnership is also an important part of our efforts to promote Open Access opportunities for authors.'

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