Journal of Dental Biomechanics

 SAGE-Hindawi has launched its second open-access journal.

The Journal of Dental Biomechanics is expected to provide the first peer-reviewed forum dedicated to the study of biomechanics as it relates to dentistry. The journal promises to discuss a wide array of applications covering the vast majority of routine dental practices. It will also cover a significant field of research within engineering and biomedicine in general. 

The journal will focus on tissue and material biomechanics, with special emphasis on the mechanical properties of hard and soft tissue and the analysis of response to loading of alloys, polymer and ceramics.

JDB is expected to be of interest to health care professionals actively involved in: enamel and dentin response to loading following treatment; periodontal ligament mechanics (healthy and diseased); lip response to stress from dentition or dentures; biomechanics of the TMJ; and bone loading and remodeling in orthodontics and implantology.

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