Ingenta Open
Ingenta has launched Ingenta Open, a hosting platform solution and discovery portal designed exclusively for open access content.
With an increasing amount of Open Access content being published, much of which is indexed across a variety of sites or stored away in institutional repositories, Ingenta Open is a new central hub and browsing service for researchers, students and the general public specifically seeking open access resources.
The platform hosts content from all scholarly disciplines and caters for multiple formats, including whole books, chapters, monographs, single articles and entire journals. It will eventually provide access to millions of open access articles, whether they are hosted on the platform itself, indexed via third party services such as DOAJ and OAPEN.
Publishers who choose to host their Open Access content on the platform will immediately be able to tap into the Ingenta Connect network of over 25,000 registered institutions, and millions of end users across 170 countries.
Byron Russell, head of Ingenta Connect, said: ‘One of the main reasons behind the academic publishing community migrating towards Open Access models was to make content more readily available, and free-of-charge, to users.
‘The problem is a great deal of these resources are hidden away in institutional siloes or poorly indexed online with minimal discoverability options. Our aim in creating Ingenta Open is to make open access really open – to provide users with a globally central access point for all open access content online and to guarantee that publishers and authors get the visibility their research deserves.’