eBook Education Collection


EBSCO Information Services has released eBook Education Collection, a subscription e-book collection that features more than 2,800 titles supporting students and faculty in education studies.

Titles in the eBook Education Collection range from introductory texts for undergraduate coursework to more complex and detailed works for advanced students and scholars. The subscription collection also includes support materials for student teachers and professionals working in K-12 and higher education classrooms, covering topics from curriculum building to student behaviour and dynamics.
eBook Education Collection offers an abundance of education titles at a substantial savings and offers the 'unlimited user model' (1BUU). New titles will be added quarterly to ensure the most current eligible content is available and MARC records are included at no additional cost.
EBSCO vice president of product management Ken Breen said eBook Education Collection is geared toward Education Studies programs and libraries looking to provide relevant content for faculty and students at all levels: 'EBSCO’s eBook Education Collection offers unique titles from top publishers designed to bring a variety of content related to Education Studies into the library collection. Whether users need introductory text or advanced research materials or professional support, the new subscription collection allows libraries to provide essential content throughout the education discipline.'

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