Drama Online

Bloomsbury Publishing and Faber and Faber are partnering to develop a digital content platform for libraries, educators, students and researchers to be sold via subscription and perpetual access to academic institutions.
Drama Online, which will launch in October 2012, is promised to be the ultimate online resource for plays, critical analysis and performance.  It will feature the drama lists from Methuen Drama, Arden Shakespeare and Faber and Faber to offer a complete digital library of the most studied, performed and critically acclaimed plays from the last two and a half thousand years, say the partners. 
The resource will also give expert guidance in the form of scholarly notes, annotated texts, critical analysis and contextual information. A regularly-expanding portfolio of performance and practitioner texts from theory to backstage and acting guides coupled with images, video and audio material will make this an essential study tool meeting the full range of drama teaching needs.
Users will be able to search full text and across genres, periods, authors and themes; analyse lines per character; view a rehearsal grid for each play; find monologues; print lines for a character; export extracts with citations in place; save and share materials. 

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