ChemRxiv, a new chemistry preprint server for the global chemistry community, is now available in a fully functioning Beta version for use and feedback by researchers.
The Beta launch has been undertaken with initial strategic input from the American Chemical Society (ACS), Royal Society of Chemistry, German Chemical Society and other not-for profit organizations, as well as other scientific publishers and preprint services.
The free-of-charge service, originally announced late last year, is managed on behalf of the chemical science community by ACS and is powered by Figshare, an online digital repository for academic research. Harnessing Figshare’s new preprint capabilities, ChemRxiv will facilitate the rapid and open dissemination of important scientific findings.
Following in the footsteps of arXiv and bioRxiv, preprint servers focused on physics and life sciences, respectively, ChemRxiv will enable researchers working across a broad range of chemistry fields to share early results with their colleagues ahead of formal peer review and publication.
‘We have seen the value that preprints can make in accelerating the pace of discovery,’ says James Milne, Ph.D., senior vice president, Journals Publishing Group, ACS Publications Division. ‘With their commitment to open data, Figshare shares our goal of supporting the sharing and dissemination of research findings in a wide variety of file formats, allowing us to meet the Society’s key mission, as well as that of ChemRxiv.’
The preprint server includes a one-page streamlined submission portal with drag-and-drop file functionality through which authors can quickly, easily and directly submit preprints in a wide variety of file formats. ChemRxiv does not have submission or access fees. All content is accessible to interested users and also for harvesting through an open API or via OAI-PMH. ChemRxiv is developing a triage process that includes plagiarism and other checks with the goal of posting preprints within one to two business days. To better enable rapid handling, the preprint server features a “next-generation curation module” that allows multiple curators to work together on large volumes of submissions.
ChemRxiv will help to accurately attribute preprints through automatic assignments of digital object identifiers (DOI) and citation tracking, and will leverage CrossRef processes to establish links between the final published version of articles and preprints. Altmetric will track online mentions with each page displaying the associated Altmetric badge and attention score.