Business History Review

Harvard Business School and Cambridge University Press have formed a partnership to publish Harvard Business School's journal Business History Review from 2011.

Business History Review began publication in 1926 as the Bulletin of the Business Historical Society. It is now a quarterly journal publishing original research by leading business and economic historians and management researchers.  The primary purpose of BHR, as stated when it began publication, is to "encourage and aid the study of the evolution of business in all periods and in all countries." 

With the move to Cambridge University Press, Business History Review will be hosted on Cambridge Journals Online  giving the journal full online functionality and many new features to enhance and optimize article usage. The journal will benefit from the availability of an online subscription for the first time and the complete archive in one place.

'In recent years the journal has worked hard to globalise its content, and it is fitting that we now have one of the world’s leading global publishers to disseminate this research worldwide,' said Geoffrey Jones, Isidor Straus Professor of Business History at Harvard Business School and co-editor of the journal.

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