Back files

Project MUSE has announced the availability of the back issues for 14 more titles on the MUSE platform. Eight of the 14 titles now have their complete run in MUSE, meaning that subscribers to those titles have access to Volume 1, issue/number 1 through the most recent issue of the journal. All archival content is made available to current subscribers at no additional cost.

The 14 titles are: Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies; ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance; Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction; French Colonial History; George Herbert Journal; Goethe Yearbook; Journal of Narrative Theory; Literature and Medicine; Nabokov Studies; Philip Roth Studies; Red Cedar Review; Revista hispanica moderna; Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society; and Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literature & Culture.

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