Author’s Choice

Karger Publishers has announced its open-access option for authors, Author’s Choice. This new option will enable authors to choose whether their articles are to be distributed under the traditional publishing model, or whether they will be freely available for all to access online in exchange for payment of a publication fee.

Karger Publishers is currently conducting a trial with eight of its journals. These are: Cytogenetic and Genome Research; Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders; Dermatology; Developmental Neuroscience; European Neurology; Medical Principles and Practice; Neurodegenerative Diseases; and Pathobiology.Authors choosing to publish their articles under Author’s Choice will be required to pay a publication fee of US$2,500. They must also sign a licensing agreement, giving them the right to re-use their content for educational and research purposes, but not for commercial purposes, on condition that the author and journal are properly acknowledged.

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