Australasian Plant Pathology and Australasian Plant Disease Notes

Springer is now publishing two journals of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society, Australasian Plant Pathology and Australasian Plant Disease Notes. Previously published by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Publishing, both journals target scientists in Australasia and the Pacific, Indian and Asian regions.

Bimonthly journal, Australasian Plant Pathology, publishes research in all fields of plant pathology while the electronic-only publication, Australasian Plant Disease Notes, covers new records of plant diseases or pathogens, taxonomy, disease management and diagnostics. 

Zuzana Bernhart, senior publishing editor of Plant Sciences at Springer, said: 'We are proud to see Springer’s society agreements extending to Australasia. Quality content and a diverse range of issues will be developed even further.'

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