ConTech Pharma 2023 – Full programme is out now
One-day hybrid event is taking place online and at the Sheraton Skyline Hotel, London Heathrow
One-day hybrid event is taking place online and at the Sheraton Skyline Hotel, London Heathrow
ConTech.Live webinars, ConTech 2021 call for speakers’ reminder and discover ways to become part of the ConTech community today
Where is your business on its journey to digital transformation? Join the ConTech Forum on 15 June to find out. Kicking off any important change programme…
This new handbook aims to bring clarity to UK copyright legislation, which has been referred to as the longest, most confusing and hardest to…
IET Inspec - The Premiere Source for Engineering and Technology Patent Research
Questel releases new version of Orbit
Patent content from USPTO now searchable via EDS
PatBase gets legal status search updates
Asian patent collections added to PatBase
Revolutionising patent searching
Free service provides pharmaceutical industry intelligence at your fingertips, says Minesoft
Minesoft and RWS Group update PatBase