Tartan talking

City of Glasgow once again to host UKSG annual conference

The programme has been announced for the UKSG 41st annual conference, which will take place this year in Glasgow.

The UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition is a major event in the scholarly communications calendar, which each year attracts over 900 delegates from around the world – librarians, publishers, content providers, consultants and intermediaries. The conference combines high-quality plenary presentations, lightning talks and breakout sessions with a major trade exhibition and entertaining social events. 

The event, which runes from 9 to 11 April, will be had at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC), on the banks of the River Clyde.

Plenary talks are planned to include: Pushing boundaries and razing walls: news from the front in the open access transition;  National licence negotiations advancing the OA transition: a view from Sweden and the UK;  Internal conflict or growth opportunity: publisher approaches to the OA transition; Just how open are we? Policies and practices; The critical policy and strategic challenges for higher education; Privacy and the library patron: an ongoing ethical challenge; and Guns, lies and sex tapes: how the primacy of emotions over reason gave us fake news (and Trump!).

There will be a wide range of lightning talks and more than 30 separate breakout sessions over the course of the three days; as ever there will be an active social provision including a dinner and quiz on Monday 9 April and a tartan-themed dinner, ceilidh and disco on Tuesday 10 April.

Glasgow is a vibrant and compact city with plenty to offer delegates outside conference hours; it was recently voted ‘World’s Friendliest City’ by Rough Guides.

The online booking form will is now available at www.uksg.org/event/conference18.

Fees are as follows:

  • UKSG member delegate:  £475.00 + VAT
  • Non-member delegate:  £645.00 + VAT

These package prices cover attendance at all sessions, the Tuesday evening conference dinner, and all daytime refreshments and lunches for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Day delegate rates are:

  • Monday:  £225.00 + VAT
  • Tuesday:  £225.00 + VAT
  • Wednesday:  £140.00 + VAT

These day rates cover attendance at all sessions and all daytime refreshments and lunch.

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