California dreamin’

San Diego3x2
Looking out into the vast Pacific Ocean from the SSP venue in San Diego will be an ideal opportunity to reflect on the (literal) wide world of publishing. 
Scholarly publishing is flourishing in new and exciting ways across the world, including Asia, India, and the Global South. 
As the scholarly communications industry moves into new eras of sharing research, it is important to make efforts to shrink the distance between stakeholders in publishing, enabling coordinated discussion and problem solving. 
This year’s meeting, held from 29 to 31 May at the Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, will represent a focused effort on inviting new voices into ongoing conversations – not just geographically, but with any new perspectives that help the industry move together toward a new age of scholarly communication. 
Questions that delegates will be challenged on include: what new technologies will be at work in the new status quo we are building? How will publishers continue to meet the needs of authors and readers, especially in previously underrepresented markets? How do these big picture changes affect day-to-day operations in editorial and production offices? Are the solutions and challenges the same for smaller publishers and societies? 
The conference will also take the opportunity to explore solutions for potentially seismic developments, such as Plan S or other policies from funders and even nations. A vibrant community of librarians, academics, publishers, service providers and technologists will be present – all with a stake in how research is shared in an effort to tackle tomorrow’s challenges and broaden horizons.
Conference tracks will include: 
• Inviting new voices: in keeping with the theme of global perspectives, conference organisers are inviting sessions that centre on stakeholders who are not historically heard from during publishing events;
• External pressures on publishing: large changes are on the horizon for the business of scholarly publishing; sessions designed to collaboratively evaluate possible solutions are especially encouraged;
• Going to market: the ‘market’ for publishing continues to grow. Evolving strategies to develop new products, reach new geographies, and find new ways to make research relevant to the world will be increasingly critical;
• Tools and technology: an ecosystem that involves the entire world will always be powered by technology. Sessions on the latest developments in the tools and infrastructure underlying the sharing of scholarship are welcomed; and
• Publishing on a smaller scale: large commercial publishers often dominate the news due to scale, but there are a myriad of other publishers helping bring critical new results and scholarship to the world. Sessions focused on operations and strategies at smaller publishers, non-profits, university presses, and societies are invited.

Other meeting highlights will include:
• Pre-meeting seminars:  Half-day seminars on 29 May offering in-depth discussions and practical advice to prep you for the concurrent sessions;
• Networking: attendees will enjoy ample opportunities for meeting colleagues and sharing ideas at evening receptions, interactive lunches and other events;
• Exhibitors marketplace: our popular exhibit hall provides a central area to learn about new products, programs, services and solutions; and
• Bonus content: registration includes free sponsored sessions on Wednesday afternoon. Plan to arrive early to take advantage of this additional content, provided by industry knowledge experts. 


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