Author Management Tools

Mendeley Data

Elsevier has launched Mendeley Data, a cloud-based platform designed to help universities and researchers manage, share and showcase their research data


Authors of biology and biomedical papers can now choose to submit to a journal directly from bioRxiv, as well as to submit to bioRxiv automatically from a journal


Scholastica has launched a new typesetting service for open access journals that uses advanced technology to generate HTML and PDF articles

IEEE LaTeX Analyzer

A new tool for authors – the IEEE LaTeX Analyzer, powered by Overleaf – is aimed at helping speed up the publishing process

LaTeX Validation Service

Overleaf has launched a service for publishers and institutions – the Overleaf LaTeX Validation Service. The service enables publishers and other third parties to more easily process LaTeX manuscripts for publication, saving time for authors and providing publishers with improved consistency and quality control.


RedLink and ORCID have announced an integration that will provide seamless pre-population of profiles in Remarq when users sign in with their ORCID credentials

ProofCheck by River Valley

After evaluating several competing products in 2016, De Gruyter has chosen River Valley’s online proofing platform, ProofCheck.

De Gruyter had previously been sending authors their proofs in PDF format for annotation.  Authors’ corrections would then be implemented to produce the final publication. De Gruyter was looking for a faster and more reliable system in order to minimise admin within the publication workflows of their online-only journals.

Remarq (from RedLink)

Remarq, the new editorial engagement and researcher collaboration tool from RedLink, is now live on several IOP Publishing journals


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