Utah State University picks Encore Duet

Utah State University, USA has selected Encore Duet as its discovery solution to help the library consolidate its diverse resources. The university adopted Innovative's Encore discovery solution several years ago. When the new partnership between Innovative Interfaces and EBSCO Information Services was announced, they were said to be intrigued by the possibilities offered by the integration of EDS content with the Encore Duet interface.

Cheryl Adams, integrated systems librarian, explained: ‘the integration of EDS with Encore in Encore Duet allows us to enhance the power of our discovery platform while retaining the familiar interface and customisations. We wanted to provide our students with rich, fully-integrated results across all of our content and an intuitive interface and Encore Duet gave us just that.’

Adams added that the university plans to take advantage of the several customisation options offered through Encore Duet and EDS.

In June 2013, Innovative and EBSCO expanded their strategic partnership to offer a joint development designed to enable more tightly integrated access between Innovative's Encore discovery platform and EBSCO Discovery Service. 

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