Thomson Reuters to work with Russian eLibrary

Thomson Reuters' intellectual property and science division has announced a collaboration with Russia’s Scientific Electronic Library – – to make content from the Russian Science Citation Index accessible via the Web of Science.

The initiative is aimed at bringing greater visibility and improved access to influential research being produced in Russia, particularly in the sciences. Content from the Russian Science Citation Index (1000 top-tier scholarly publications in Russia) will be made available as a new dataset on the Web of Science. It will connect to the leading core journal indices within the Web of Science, and other databases on the platform such as the Data Citation Index and the Book Citation Index, enabling researchers to review and analyse the regional research alongside top-tier international scholarly content.
'We are pleased to collaborate with Thomson Reuters to get Russian researchers more involved into the international scholarly conversation,' said Gennady Eremenko, general director of Scientific Electronic Library. 'Not only will this effort increase the visibility and global impact of Russia’s research efforts, but it will also enable our researchers to connect with others throughout the world to discuss new ideas and inspire greater collaboration.'
The addition of the Russian Science Citation Index to the Web of Science will follow a similar model to other national citation indices such as the KCI  Korean Journal Database and the SciELO Citation Index, both added to the platform in 2014;  and  the Chinese Science Citation Database, which has been hosted within the Web of Science since 2008. The Russian Science Citation Index will be available to Web of Science users in 2015.
'As the research landscape continues to expand, it is increasingly important to provide the global scholarly community with content from actively developing research centres, such as the BRIC nations,' said Gordon Macomber, managing director of Thomson Reuters IP & Science. 'We are pleased to work with the Scientific Electronic Library eLibrary to include this influential information within the Web of Science and give researchers around the world deeper insight into research and innovation coming from Russia.'

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