SureChem adds eight million structures of PubChem

SureChem, a patent chemistry product line of Digital Science, has deposited more than eight million unique chemical structures into the PubChem free, public, chemistry database.

This is the first time that the complete collection of structures for a patent chemistry data source has been made publicly available. Of the total, more than four million of these structures are novel to PubChem, giving chemical researchers access to a vast new source of medicinally relevant compounds.

'This deposition significantly expands the amount of novel chemistry available in the public domain, enabling open drug discovery, medicinal chemistry and non-life-sciences chemistry research,' said Nicko Goncharoff, head of text mining at Digital Science. 'This opens a valuable resource that had previously been locked away behind data silos and pay-walls.'

The structures in PubChem will link back to related patents in SureChemOpen, a free-access option for researchers that enables them to search and view patent literature. This service integrates patent chemistry into the online scientific research community, enabling the linking of patents with other key public and commercial chemistry data sources.

SureChem’s chemical structure data can also be accessed via ChemSpider, a free chemical database held by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

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