Silverchair adds Altmetric data to two new publishers

Two further STM publishers on Silverchair's SCM6 online publishing platform will now include almetrics from Altmetric. 

JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the titles published by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (including the American Journal of Audiology and the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research) will now join CHEST journal in displaying Altmetric data on their research article pages. 

Altmetric tracks mentions of an article in post-publication peer-review forums, mainstream and social media, online reference managers, and in policy documents.   

Howard Bauchner, who is editor-in-chief of JAMA and The JAMA Network, observed: 'Journals are communication networks, and we believe that enabling our readers and authors to explore Altmetric data – beyond citations and download counts – will enhance our and their understanding of how medical information is discovered and consumed outside of traditional channels. Understanding how each article is “seen” in a complex digital world is important to all of our audiences.'

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